Friday, May 20, 2011

Stromile Swift Arrested For Stalking

When someone gets out of a relationship, both parties usually move on. No matter how they feel about each other all parties agree to move on. Somewhere along the line, Stromile Swift missed the memo about that little nugget of life. And this isn't his first run in with the law about this type of crime.

Swift, the former number two pick in the NBA draft, nine year vet, and Vancouver Grizzlies bust, was arrested for stalking an ex-girlfriend, according to KTBS television in Shreveport, La.

Shreveport police said they arrested the 31-year-old Swift about 9:40 p.m. Thursday after officers were called to a domestic dispute on the west side of the city. Police said a woman told them she had been arguing with Swift and he was following her in a vehicle as she tried to get away from him.

Patrol officers got a description of the vehicle and eventually arrested Swift without incident in the 3300 block of Ivy Lane. Police said they found a shotgun and a handgun in Swift’s vehicle.

As an average man tring to make a living, I would think that Swift would have some NBA/China basketball money in reserve and he wouldn't have to resort to such tactics with women. This is a situation that he should've played "do you know who I am?" card with the woman. It doesn't carry much weight, but you can still throw it around.

As I stated earlier, this wasn't his first run in with this kind of problem. Back in February he was arrested on aggravated assault charges with the same woman. He should've got the hint that this might not have been the woman for him.

Police said they were investigating a report of vandalism at the 28-year-old woman's southwest Shreveport residence when Swift showed up there with a gun. 

If Swift can get past these legal issues, he needs to leave this woman alone.


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