Monday, May 16, 2011

Jim Irsay And Jeff Saturday Can End The Lockout

In the world according to Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay, he and Colts center and NFL Players Association executive member, Jeff Saturday could bang out a labor agreement by themselves.

Based on what Irsay said on Twitter, he's obviously frustrated by all the shenanigans going on with all the labor talk going on. It's all meaningless until they come to an agreement.

Irsay made these comments on his Twitter account:

"Jeff Saturday and I could get this thing done,on cocktail napkins,over a long lunch at Rick's Boatyard," Irsay wrote on his Twitter account today. "it's not that hard! Everyone's so damn serious,suits,briefcases,lawyers! Let's put on jeans n golf clothes,players/owners remembering we're friends,hang a little."

"Every time we argue about who's fault it is and who did that and who said this..spin,spin,spin..who cares! Get something done!"

"I ain't riding no bull like Chad thou,not even 4 new C.B.A.!!!!!!"

"For every week after july 15 that's there's no new CBA,self-imposed players/owners fines 2 fan charities..get out of the courts!"

"Drop all lawsuits,waste of time n $,get 2 collective bargaining,have equally,self-imposed fines on players n owners going 2 fan's charities"

"The mantra is not end lockout,it's get new collect. bargain. agreement.We have no CBA at this point,an obvious fact that gets lost n shuffle"

Maybe if the owners thought a little more like Irsay there wouldn't be a lockout. Send him to the bargaining sessions instead and see if something can get done. 

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