Friday, July 1, 2011

Kobe Bryant Sued By An Ohio Woman

Kobe Bryant just doesn't have it when it comes to women. First there was the rape case in Colorado now Bryant is being sued by an Ohio woman for breaching a marriage proposal.

Selina Miller who claims residence in Columbus, Ohio and Santa Ana, California, filed a lawsuit in Orange County on June 24 claiming that on May 1, Bryant gave her "a completed and signed agreement" and that his subsequent behavior "comports with unfair business and no good faith efforts."

Ok Kobe how do you explain this one to Vanessa. I don't know if a trip to Zales is gonna bail you out if this has any shred of credibility. I don't think it does, but in this crazy world who knows.

"The plaintiff, Selina Miller, request [sic] breaching party, Kobe Bryant, to correct his failure to provide plaintiff with the purchase of a ring," reads the four-page suit.

Miller also stated why the National Basketball Association (NBA) superstar might not have given her a ring: "The defendant, Kobe Bryant, states he communicated with person [sic] stating Selina Miller is a prostitute."

When Miller was contacted she says Kobe repeatedly visited her for "intimate relations". She seems bitter that there were other women Bryant frolicked around with and got more of a reward than she did. She even mentioned that someone had an STD but wouldn't mention any names.

"He likes playing games with women more than people know," said Miller. "I'm upset because he promised me a ring [during one visit], and then some other people influenced him, and I didn't get it. He thinks he can stop by my house any time he wants to. There are other women, too. One of them got a ring."

Miller says she wants to sue Bryant for some money he owes her. She filed a previous lawsuit against Bryant and the NBA for invasion of privacy, but an Ohio judge ruled that the lawsuit was "frivolous" and "not plausible".

I know Bryant isn't this stupid to travel down this road again. and I don't he would put anything in writing so it could come back and bite him in the ass. 



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