Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The FBI Wants To Review The Tape

Former cycling teammates Lance Armstrong and Tyler Hamilton have a strained relationship to say the least. We're no talking about Barry Bonds and Greg Anderson here.

I'll make the summary short but brief. Armstrong and Hamilton were teammates when Armstrong was winning multiple Tour de France events. Armstrong has been under suspicion for taking performance enhancing drugs. Armstrong has denied the claims through and through.

Recently Hamilton went on 60 Minutes to tell the world that his former teammate Armstrong had been doping it up. Of course Armstrong didn't take to kindly to that and when the two had a "chance" encounter at a Colorado bistro things got interesting.

Hamilton and Armstrong had a run in and now the FBI wants to review the tape of the incident.

Hamilton attorney Chris Manderson said his client was rattled by some of Armstrong’s comments. “It was aggressive and intimidating and we thought it should be reported to federal investigators,” Manderson told The Associated Press.

"Lance Armstrong is a possible defendant in an investigation that's been widely reported, and Tyler is a probable witness," Manderson said. "When there's any contact, especially aggressive contact, we as lawyers have a duty to inform the authorities. ... What they will do with it, I don't know."

Armstrong and one of his attorneys said the encounter was uneventful. I guess it depends on who you ask. Right now the FBI is in the review booth with one of the agents under the hood.

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