Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bosh Hurts Ankle Blames Omer Asik

The worse case scenario is coming to fruition for the Miami Heat. With LeBron James already on the sidelines with a sore ankle, Chris Bosh hurt his ankle in a loose ball scrum Saturday night in a loss to the Chicago Bulls.

With a thin froncourt and limited on depth Dwayne Wade will have to go at it alone until further notice. The team's depth will be tested and luckily it'll only be for a limited time. Luckily x-rays wee negative.

Meanwhile, Bosh wasn't too pleased with Bulls big man Omer Asik. Asik made a late dive for the loose ball.  Ok, it was late but you can't question his hustle. That's part of the game and what you get paid for. Bosh has his money, Asik might not have a contract next year.

 "C'mon, that is how guys get hurt, that is how serious injuries happen. You've got to watch people's legs. I know guys want to hustle and everything but we all want to play and provide for our families and have a job.We all want to be healthy and that is very important If it is by somebody's leg, don't dive for the ball, it's too close."

That's what Bosh had had to say about it. If you would've dove on the floor you wouldnt've had that leg exposed. I guess you couldn't get a floor burn and not risk yourself to possible injury. Next time dive and preserve your health.

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