Friday, November 26, 2010

Hill Says Patriots Are Dirty

Detroit Lions quarterback Shaun Hill said that the New Engalnd Patriots are a dirty team. Not a stretch since they once employed the services of Rodney Harrison.

Hill said that when the Lions were on New England's 2 yard line and called for a sneak play. As he extended his arms toward the goal line, Hill said he felt Patriot defenders trying to break his arm. The same arm Hill had broken against the New York Giants.

"That's why I eventually gave up the ball," Hill said. "Somebody was down there [in the pile] literally trying to break my arm, which is already broken. Literally, trying. And, uh, y'know, I guess [it] wasn't seen [by officials]."

I know lots of things go on in a pile up. Trying to break one's arm isn't one of them. I won't call the Pats a dirty team, but I wouldn't put them in the clear when trying to keep someone from scoring or to cause a fumble. So far the Patriots have no comment on the accusations levied against them.

Maybe that's what contributed to the late game scrums.


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